Quark oil dough for about 16 pieces:
400 g wheat flour
1 sachet baking powder
1 pinch of salt
250 g quark (low fat)
75 ml milk
75 ml cooking oil (e.g. sunflower oil)
2 tsp medium hot mustard
1 bunch spring onions
½ red chilli pod
300 g crème fraîche
200 g diced ham
25 g chopped, mixed herbs
1 tsp medium hot mustard
100 g grated cheese
2 juniper berries
1 egg
25 g chopped pistachios
A little practice will be required
1. Wash and finely chop the spring onions. Clean and finel chop the chilli pod (wear rubber gloves, as the chilli pod will be very spicy). Squash two juniper berries with the side of your knife and chop finely. Mix the ingredients for the filling.
2. Mix the flour and baking powder in a mixing bowl. Add the remaining ingredients for the dough and blend with a mixer (dough hooks), starting briefly on the lowest setting and then switching to the highest setting until a smooth dough is formed (don’t overmix or the dough will get sticky). Shape the dough into a roll on a lightly floured work surface, then roll out into a rectangle (about 50 x 40 cm).
3. Cut the dough rectangle 4 times lengthwise and across into even strips, so that you are left with 16 equally sized rectangles. Add one tablespoon of filling onto each o the rectangles. Fold the rectangles over on the long sides. Press the edges of the dough together, fold them over and firmly press together. Place the dough pockets onto the baking tray.
4. Whisk the egg and brush onto the dough pockets, especially the edges of the dough.
Evenly sprinkle the pistachio nuts over the top.
5. Slide the baking tray into a preheated oven (top/bottom heat: 200°C, fan-assisted: 180°C). The empanadas will be done after approx. 20 minutes.
6. Leave to rest and cool on a cake rack or serve them hot.